Monday, April 19, 2010

Chemotherapy Session III

i held the report in my hand, once again i was feeling very depress and dishearten. i recalled what my treatment coordinator told me, if i need to postpone my chemo again, they'll need to terminate my treatment plan. i dunno what it mean. maybe they'll just conclude that i can't go for chemo and just leave me to die?

the acceptable White Blood Cells is 4-10, mine was 3.6. hemoglobin is 14-18, mine was 13.2, Red Blood Cells is 4.5-6.3, mine was 4.05. so, i failed the blood test again.

what went wrong? i'd been eating a lot of nutritious food and taking in a lot of iron, why did i fail again?

i was left with no alternative but to bring the report to the ATU (place where chemo is carried out) for them to "condemn" me. while waiting for my name to be called, my treatment coordinator came to look for me updating me all my subsequent appointments. i asked her abt my blood test and she said that i missed by a little bit, so they can still put me thru the chemo. i dunno how to explain my joy for that moment. but i think it's real funny: some body so happy that he is going for chemo. hahaha...

this is the first time my chemo was done in the "morning glory suite". there r 2 suites in nccs, jasmine suite and morning glory suite for chemo. each cater to abt 20 patients concurrently.

when i went into the room, there was oredi an auntie lying opposite in the room. looking at it, she's in the "elephant" stage. i took out my phone and snapped a picture on the room set up.

surprisingly, the nausea feeling didn't really come back at night. i expected myself to be having bad diarrhea, which happened the past 2 times. it didn't happen as well. the immediate side effect was non-stop sneezing and runny nose. it was so bad that the the mucus was flowing non-stop for the whole night. i even thought if it continued, i could be the first man in the world to die of dehydration due to flowing of mucus.

an alternative to clear the mucus is to blow it out. i tried once and i blew out blood from the nose. hahaha... so scary. in the end, i decided not to do anything and go to bed. it works. instead of mucus flowing out, i think it flowed down the throat.

i had a "dry" but peaceful night.

1 comment:

  1. Sometimes, it is not just about having a lot of nutritious food, rest is more important. You used to have sleeping problem (e.g. short hours and/or sleeping not at ease etc). Try to relax and have a quality sleep. "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself. Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof." (Matthew 6:34)
