Monday, July 19, 2010


today, i finally vomitted. i think it is difficult to find a cancer patient who undergo chemo and radio but has never vomitted before. i just didn't expect it to happen today. usually my nausea peak is from saturday to tuesday after the chemo. but last week i didn't hv any chemo. i even stopped taking the anti-nausea medicine since last thursday.

what happened was, today after the lunch disaster (the 10 spoonful of porridge), i didn't eat anything. dinner time, i took out the remaining HL milk from the fridge, thinking that drinking some milk will be able to replenish some nutrition for the loss during lunch. i drank about a cup of it. then it started.

basically i didn't hv anything left in the stomach, so whatever went in just came out. the feeling wasn't that horrible compare to all the pain i encountered. in fact after the throwing out, i feel normal. just like i'd never drink any milk.

1 comment:

  1. I thought maybe you should inform and/or consult your doctor concerning the "mild" effect of the pain killer. Dosage insufficient or just that it is not mean for you?

    If you ever went thru wisdom tooth extraction, you should know the effectiveness of those pain killer they dispensed to you.

    Ask the doctor's opinion. The worst case is the same only what... but what if there is a better option? Besides, ask or don't ask you pay the same amount. Let's be a singaporean, kiasu abit.
